Pedro Gamboa Private Art Gallery
Pedro Gamboa Private Art Gallery
In this Art Gallery you will find well known venezuelan masters.
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Adrian Serrano
Adrian Serrano
Adrian Serrano was born in Caracas Venezuela on March 5, 1930, where he resides to this day. Mr. Serrano first studied drawing and painting as an apprentice to the master’s Gregorio Garcia and Manuel Serrano (his father). He then furthered his education and spent three years studying at the Cristobal Rojas School of Art in Caracas. Adrian Serrano is distinguished by the inclusion of his work in the permanent collections of Museums and institutions worldwide. Mr. Serrano’s work hangs in the Venezuelan Congress and in the National Ministry of Education in Caracas. His is also included in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in Merida.
Alexis Fernandez
Alexis Fernandez
Nace en 1969 en Caripito, Estado Monagas, Venezuela.
1988 Dibujo y Escultura Escuela de Artes Visuales Cristóbal Rojas, Caracas, Venezuela
1989 Taller de Dibujo con modelo, Escuela de Artes Cristóbal Rojas, Caracas, Venezuela
1990 Taller de Dibujo con modelo, Fundarte y Instituto de Arte Federico Brandt, Caracas, Venezuela
1991 Técnicas aplicadas al dibujo, Taller Antonio Herrera Toro, Caracas, Venezuela.
Pintura y análisis Plástico, Dibujo y Escultura, Instituto de Arte Federico Brandt, Caracas, Venezuela
1993 Taller de Dibujo Fundarte y el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo SofÃa Imber, Caracas, Venezuela
1994 Taller de Dibujo, GalerÃa de dibujo, GalerÃa de los Espacios cálidos, Ateneo de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela
Pintura, Escultura y Dibujo Instituto de Arte Federico Brandt, Caracas, Venezuela.
1995 Taller de Dibujo de la figura humana, anexo del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Sofia Imber, Caracas, Venezuela
1990-2009- Estudios de arte en general de manera autodidacta
Amelia Del Carmen Moreno de Carrero
Amelia Del Carmen Moreno de Carrero
Amelia Del Carmen Moreno de Carrero is inspired to make her art by religious ceremonies, Venezuelan history, nature, her Christian faith, and the rural life of her town. Her lively paintings and carvings, embellished with vibrant color, belie a difficult childhood. As one of ten children, Amelia lost her mother when she was just six days old. Her family lacked even a lamp for light. Yet Amelia, beginning work at the age of 12 as a house servant, mastered a primary education and returned to her place of birth to marry, raise four children, and build a life for herself with her art. Amelia’s work is now part of UNICEF’s art collection
Americo Rodriguez
Americo Rodriguez
Pintor naif del estado Merida " Biography not found"
Anibal Rafael Palma
Anibal Rafael Palma
Anibal Rafael Palma, was born in Upata, Bolivar State, Venezuela, in December 1944, has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Bolivar State and in Maracay and Caracas, his favorite topics are the fables and traditions of the region and like the folklore of all of Venezuela, has received many awards and honors both in Bolivar state and the city of Caracas.
Antonio Scorches
Antonio Scorches
Antonio Scorches is an artist in Venezuelan Art. Scorches was a man of surprising calm, deliberate reflection, an Andean knew survive in Caracas and its hills, through hard work, very dignified, pragmatic and spiritual as it was to be framer, with works by artists such as Angel and Rafael Pedro Ramon Gonzalez, Di Munno Giovanny Manuel Cabré or Charles Ventrillon Horber.
Antonio cultivated his eye, his gaze as his sensibility was already predisposed in his human nature. Antonio listened and wondered, sometimes inquired with painter's own reasoning but be still.
Then he entered the itch to paint, but the time to paint was scarce, so you should do it at night, with a 200 watt bulb, surprising sometimes cockcrow morning, so that Antonio became an artist self, to force humanity, poetry and "sleepless nights".
And became a popular painter of fair fight more for the thematic of the sort that, for the object of his musings plastic.
Bruno Garcia
Bruno Garcia
Bruno GarcÃa’s (1967, Venezuela) passion for Roman and Greek history is evident in his art, which often features ancient warriors or their majestic steeds. His current series of works is entitled Bestias Sagradas or Sacred Beasts. GarcÃa uses color and texture to give the horses and bulls at the subject of his paintings a powerful energy and presence.
Bruno GarcÃa is a national prize winning artist in Venezuela and has also received international recognition (Gold Metal from the XIII Salon International de Herouville, France). He has exhibited across Venezuela, as well as in the United States, Canada, Cuba, France, Bolivia and the Dominican Republic.
Gregorio Camacho
Gregorio Camacho
Venezuelan artist. Born in Barquisimeto on December 11, 1933. In 1946, at 13 years of age enrolled in the School of Drawing in his hometown where he took classes with teachers Francisco Garcia Reyes and Daza Lida.
Along with these studies he joined the newly created School of Visual Arts in Barquisimeto taking classes with Maestro José Requena. It is there, on the occasion of an exhibition held in Barquisimeto for Cuatricentenario Camacho makes his first appearance to the public in a group exhibition. In 1960 he moved to Caracas to enter the School of Architecture at the Central University of Venezuela whose studies do not conclude it to have only their savings are depleted quickly, which have the opportunity to participate in another group exhibition of School students. Back in Barquisimeto serves as professor in the School Farm La Mata while he paints.
Camacho is expressed with the technique of oil on canvas by figurative expressionism and through having as dominant themes everything about humans being a hallmark of Camacho which although included in most of his work people as subject in his paintings the faces without eyes, nose or mouth subtracting thus more importance to the individual and not the group that in large cities, where people live and coexist in society often loses the individuality of being to become part of something. In humans work is represented in all its facets having as dominant themes Caracas streets, bars, squares, ie sites where you can find large numbers of people.
Juan Vicente Fabbiani
Juan Vicente Fabbiani
Venezuelan Artist. His parents were Mr. Juan Pablo Fabbiani and Mrs. MarÃa de la Concepción Ruiz, his brother was the writer José Fabbiani Ruiz. His pictoric work is considered by many specialists as a point of connection with the figurative proposals of the 1940s. Fabbiani Ruiz studied in the Academy of Fine Arts of Caracas between 1924 and 1929, being pupil of the teachers Antonio Esteban FrÃas, Carlos Otero and Marcos Castillo. Started to work as a professor in the School of Plastic Arts and Applied Arts, when Antonio Edmundo Monsanto reformed the old Academy; entity where he practiced teaching from 1936 until his retirement.